loves her life as a super-mugger

world peace!
never to be eaten up by the evil emo monster
go for some extreme makeover thingy
lose some weight, shed some fats :D
mug more!!!
A1 for Chinese
keep my standards
to feel loved
stay a uber mugger
new hp
get rid of all my G2 pens
this list is inexhaustible


i♥gep'o6 213 amanda andrea arivan audrey bernice bethany caoyun carissa celine changrui changrui tagboard cheryl elissa esther eugenia grace grace soon heeai hilary huilin huiran janne jean jiale jinyin john jonkoh john kai lin kaiyuen kimberlyn laura leevoon lynn nyse violins nyse violin twos rachel ryan kwan sarah shengsiong shengsiong tagboard sherah shiren shiyin simhwee tessa tingwei venus wenxian willa yirong ysabel YJ yirong zongchen

layout: lyricaltragedy

Friday, July 4, 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

Took from SimHwee:

→ Pick your birth month.
→ Strike out anything that doesn't apply to you.
→ Bold the five-ten that best apply to you.
→ Copy to your own blog and either link to a post that has all 12 months or copy-paste it all under your result.
→ Tag 5 people from your friends list your friends!

Loves to chat. Loves those who loves them. Loves to take things at the center. Inner and physical beauty.(no physical obviously. no inner as well) Lies but doesn't pretend. Gets angry often. Treats friends importantly. Always making friends. Easily hurt but recovers easily. Daydreamer. Opinionated. Does not care of what others think. Emotional. Decisive. Strong clairvoyance. Loves to travel, the arts and literature. Touchy and easily jealous. Concerned. Loves outdoors. Just and fair. Spendthrift. Easily influenced. Easily loses confidence. Loves children.

Your Ice Cream Personality:
You like to think of yourself as a fairly modest person. And it's true that you don't talk yourself up... but you're also pretty happy with who you are.

You have a wild reputation, but you're not as wild as you seem. You take risks, but only measured risks.

You are a very open minded, liberal, and flexible person. You love many things. You tend to have tastes that range from down home to cosmopolitan.

You tend to have a one track mind. You prefer not to multitask.

You are fun loving and sweet. You tend to enjoy joking around and teasing people.


What the House Test Says About You
You have a high opinion of yourself. You think that you are quite important in the scheme of things... definitely more important than most people.

You can't stand community oriented people and annoying "buy local" campaigns. You prefer to live the best life possible, and that doesn't really involve many other people.

You are a playful, charming, and seductive person. People feel instantly close to you.

You take good care of your physical appearance. You dress well, stay in shape, and do your best to look great.

You are moved by romance and love. You are optimistic about people, and you love hearing about happy endings.
This is interesting. High opinion of myself? Yeah right -.-

Freak freak freak freak freak. I don't like this. If this feeling goes on I will become a emo freak and a full fledged loner. Okay now I am almost a full fledged loner, it just need a bit more loner-ishness to make me one.

Well maybe loner-ing myself is a good thing for then people will not know me for who I am. Yes, I put up a front in front of people I know that. And I believe that's what that is causing everything to happen. Oh no oh no I am sad. D:

Well I'm beginning to see people in a different light now which is not very good. Yes the negative kind of light. Like UV rays. I shall get a secret blog to emo. Muahaha yes I shall. Or I should just emo here since there's nobody reading anyway.


Slept for two hours while reading R&J halfway -.- I read very very slowly oh dear.

Anyway. Malay was stupid today because my name somehow cannot be pronounced and now I'm called Latifah -.- Wow. I told my mother that and she said it was a very nice name -.-

Lit circle group is very nice I like the people in my group. Yay. Ahaha. I shall go emo in the corner of my bed for the next few hours now find me in school turning into an antisocial freak :D GEP Anniversary tomorrow I wonder how it will go. More antisocialness maybe. Ahaha that sounds really fun.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
I believe in fate.

YO was quite amusing today. EYECANDY!!! OMGOMG. HAHA :D :D :D Was wearing matching outfits with some person 0.0 hahahaha. Quite cool.

Phantom of the Opera! I listened to it randomly and now it's very nice. :D :D I want the cd for my birthday (HINT) Haha it's abit too far from my birthday now -.- so I bet nobody will get for me D: And it's hard to get. SIGH. -sighs a disappointed sigh- HAHA I'm damn lame today can! And damn weird too I type weirdly today -.-

Legally blonde is nice too omg I have weird taste. But. omigod. HAHA -.- How interesting.

Done my chinese weird chuang zuo thing yay. Must start mugging soon or I will DIE. D: bye

RAHRAHRAHRAHRAHRAH. Oh nos. HAHA. Why do people put an "s" at the end of it o.o it sounds rather -.- Today I am independent I came home from school myself and am going to YO myself too! :D Yay it's quite fun sometimes. I like Andrew Lloyd Webber songs he's damn cool and damn good because Phantom of the Opera is by him. :D So is Memory and Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. Damn nice can.

Got very annoyed today D: Don't know the exact reason though. Oh gosh I am turning weird. Not emo though that's a rather good thing. Or maybe I emo in my head 0.0 Nvm that doesn't matter because then nobody will know if I emo heehee. Lol -.-

Today was dance I became damn uber unflex I don't like! D: D: D: Omg and grew fatter so I don't like my shorts -.- Okay nevermind. Going YO soon going to pack my bag hahahah -.- Bye.